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Our Ministries

Agape Faith Fellowship offers a ministry for every age group, interest, and calling.  It is our goal to provide a ministry for every one our members to be a part of, whether it's teaching in our Children's Ministry or cleaning our building.  If you have technical abilities, then our Media Ministry is the place for you.  Whether it's our Greeter's Ministry, Usher Ministry, or ministries behind the scenes, we have a place for you to serve.  Please view our ministries to see which one is right for you.

ignyte youth ministry

Our Teen Ministry is for ages 13-19.  Our teens face many challenges and temptations through social media and peer pressure.  Through the Word of God, Rev. Sonny & Justine Medina teach them how to beat the odds and live a victorious teen life for Christ.

Kings & Queens

Our Kings & Queens Ministry is geared towards married couples who want to continue to grow spiritually together, but is also for singles who desire to have a Godly marriage. Taught by Dr. Joseph Rodriguez Sr. and Rev. Eva Rodriguez, you'll be sure to enjoy your monthly Friday night - "Date Night".

Boaz' Corner

Do you love to cook, or feed people?  If you answered es, then this ministry is for you.  With food provided by our members, we offer food to those in need.  Boaz' Corner also provides food for our members and guests between services.  Boaz' Corner is all about serving the people. Would you like to sow a seed into Boaz' Corner?

Children's Ministry

Children's ministry is available for kids, from newborn to 12 years old.  Each class has incredible teachers that minister to the children based on their level of understanding.

Media Ministry

Our Media Ministry is growing by leaps and bounds.  We Livestream our services so that those who cannot make it to service are still able to hear the Word of God taught by Dr. Joseph Rodriguez Sr.  Our Media Ministry is responsible for recording all of our services, and for running sound and lighting to provide a great worship experience for our members and guests alike.

Men's Ministry

Our Men's Ministry is for men of all ages.  Our men meet on-site and off-site.  We're here to build our men up in Christ, to mentor them, and show them how to be Godly men, kind-hearted fathers, and loving husbands. 

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